Side Thickness

Romanillos does not provide information on side thickness for individual Torres guitars in his catalogue.  He notes that the typical side thickness of a Torres guitar is about 1.0 mm and that this is consistent irrespective of differences in the woods used.

Urlik does provide side thicknesses for each guitar in his collection.  A single value is provided for the bass and treble side of each guitar.  It is measured at the waist at mid-depth.  For the classical guitars in the collection (excluding those by Torres) the average side thickness for both bass and treble sides is 1.6 mm.  For the bass side, the maximum and minimum thicknesses are 2.7 mm and 0.8 mm respectively.  For the treble side, the maximum and minimum thicknesses are 2.6 mm and 1.1 mm respectively.  The difference in thickness between the bass and treble sides for each guitar is typically 0.2 mm or less.  Six guitars have a greater difference ranging from 0.3 mm to 0.6 mm.

For the four Torres guitars in Urlik’s collection the average side thickness is 1.1 mm for the bass side (ranging from 0.9 mm to 1.2 mm) and 1.2 mm for the treble side (ranging from 1.1 mm to 1.3 mm).  The difference in side thickness for each guitar is 0.2 mm or less.  The thicknesses, 0.9 mm at the thinnest to 1.3 mm at the thickest, are similar regardless of the wood used ranging from Birdseye maple to rosewood to cypress.

The chart below depicts the side thicknesses from Urlik’s collection by construction sequence, earliest to latest. Torres’ guitar sides were thinner than most others and, while the correlation is not strong, it appears sides have trended thicker over time.